The Political and Economic Bimestre: an editorial project of democratic transition (1982-1984)

  • Ignacio Andrés Rossi Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento/Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos Aires
Keywords: democracy, speculation, external debt, State, magazines


The Bimestre Político y Económico (hereinafter, EBPyE or El Bimestre) was the official publication of the Center for Social Research on the State and Administration (hereinafter, CISEA) within the framework of the transition to democracy between 1982 and -1984. In this work, the publication´s editorial profile and its global political and economic perspective on the transition process are analyzed, as well as the government of Raúl Alfonsín in its first phase (1983-1985).  This article takes reference in the analysis of economic journals that have been gaining significant momentum in recent years and that seek to position periodical publications as cultural products in their complex social space. As observed, in the journal in which important intellectuals of the time such as Jorge Roulet, Dante Caputo and Jorge Schvarzer participated in, the first questions about the future of democracy were raised. In particular, this analyses stated that democracy only had future if the powers benefiting from the dictatorship were confronted and society was mobilized to support that objective and an efficient bureaucracy was formed to support the regime.


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How to Cite
Rossi, I. A. (2024). The Political and Economic Bimestre: an editorial project of democratic transition (1982-1984). PolHis. Revista Bibliográfica Del Programa Interuniversitario De Historia Política, (34), 95-124. Retrieved from