Ramón J. Cárcano and the "silent" ones of the nineties: between the decline of juarism and the radiance of modernism

  • Enrique de Goycoechea Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades/Universidad de Córdoba
Keywords: Ramón Cárcano, Juarismo, Modernist Party, Political leadership, Social capital


The article explores the interconnected relationships between Cordoban leaders of the National Autonomist Party and influential citizens in Buenos Aires during the 1890s. Its aim is to make underscore a network of solidarity that empowered these leaders to navigate political marginalization following Miguel Juárez Celman´s presidency and the subsequent defeat of the Modernist Party. The analysis primarily centers on the private correspondence exchanged among these individuals.


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How to Cite
de Goycoechea, E. (2024). Ramón J. Cárcano and the "silent" ones of the nineties: between the decline of juarism and the radiance of modernism. PolHis. Revista Bibliográfica Del Programa Interuniversitario De Historia Política, (34), 3-29. Retrieved from https://polhis.com.ar/index.php/polhis/article/view/531