“Patriots of all nationalities, como forth": immigration right-wing movements in the southwest of Buenos Aires province (1930S)

  • Bruno Cimatti Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas / Centro de Estudios Regionales "Prof. Félix Weinberg", Departamento de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional del Sur / Instituto de Humanidades, Departamento de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional del Sur
Keywords: Fascism, Falangism, National Socialism, Inmigration, Southwest of Province of Buenos Aires


This article aims to address the territorial projection of what we call “immigration right-wing movements” – namely, Italian fascism, Spanish Falangism, and German National Socialism – in a regional space in inland Argentina: the southwest of Buenos Aires province. Overall, the study conducted allows for the reconstruction of the extent of the penetration of these ideologies into inland Argentina, while also identifying the different ways in which their representatives interacted both with their fellow countrymen settled in the region and with each other, as well as the influence they may have had on Argentine anti-liberal right.


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How to Cite
Cimatti, B. (2024). “Patriots of all nationalities, como forth": immigration right-wing movements in the southwest of Buenos Aires province (1930S). PolHis. Revista Bibliográfica Del Programa Interuniversitario De Historia Política, (33), 43-71. Retrieved from https://polhis.com.ar/index.php/polhis/article/view/523